Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Friday, 9 October 2020

Returning to School Conversation Circle

Please use the link below to join the conversation on Wednesday, October 14:


Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Trustee Update


Trustee Update

Anu Sriskandarajah
Ward 22: Scarborough - Rouge Park
Toronto District School Board

portrait of Anu Sriskandarajah

colourful line


October Newsletter

Dear Parents and Guardians,

The start of the 2020-2021 for TDSB staff, students and parents/guardians has been characterized by uncertainty and new challenges. Staff at TDSB have been working to ensure the return to school, and it has not been perfect. With daily changes in protocols and policies released by the provincial and municipal governments, it is our priority at the TDSB to ensure in person learning adheres to public health guidelines

As the weeks continue, progress is being made to reach the goal of having all students connected to a teacher and virtual classroom. This has been a long and challenging process and we all want learning to be underway for everyone as soon as possible. Please see below for an update about Elementary Virtual School.


Staffing Update

French Immersion/Extended French Teachers

The Board continue to explore options to meet the need for FI/EF classrooms. However, as has been noted in prior updates, there is an ongoing shortage of French teachers across Ontario. All school boards are facing similar French language teacher staffing challenges. The Board is looking at options and will continue to keep families updated.

For those students applying to switch from Virtual School to In-School Learning, the ability to accommodate this request will depend on the availability of French teachers in the student’s FI/EF school.

Independent Home Learning

Please continue to access independent learning resources on the Asynchronous Learning web page. New activities and live sessions for each grade are being added daily.

Brightspace/Technical Support

If you are experiencing account and password issues, please complete this form. Once the information has been verified, login and password information for your child will be emailed to you. Additionally, you can access Brightspace support 24 hours a day.

Exemptions to Synchronous (Live, Interactive) Learning

The deadline date for families to request an exemption from synchronous (live, interactive) learning has been extended to Tuesday, October 20 at 4 p.m. to accommodate the late start for some students in Elementary Virtual School.

Revised Health Screening Guidelines

The Ministry of Education announced that it has updated its COVID-19 school and child care screening guidance. The TDSB takes its lead from Toronto Public Health, who has also revised their guidance based on the provincial direction

According to the revised guidelines, students and children with symptoms such as fever and cough will still be advised to stay home until they are able to consult with a health care provider and receive an alternate diagnosis or a negative COVID-19 test. A second set of questions now deals with symptoms that are commonly associated with other illnesses, such as runny nose or headache, and provides the following direction

  • Students and children with only one of these symptoms will be advised to stay home for 24 hours, after which they can return to school or childcare if their symptoms are improving
  • Students and children with two or more of these symptoms will be advised to stay home until they are able to consult with a health care provider and receive an alternative diagnosis or a negative COVID-19 test.

In addition, based on the latest public health guidance, the symptom list for children in school and childcare no longer includes abdominal pain or conjunctivitis (pink eye).

Based on this update, here is the new student screening tool from Toronto Public Health, as well as the revised TDSB’s Health Pass. The TDSB Daily Health Screening App has also been updated to reflect these changes.

COVID-19 Advisories 

The Toronto District School Board is committed to providing up to date information about confirmed cases of COVID-19 in schools (students and staff). This information is easily accessible by clicking on the COVID-19 Advisories web page.

Please note that all schools where there is a confirmed case of COVID-19, who was contagious while at school, will receive a letter from Toronto Public Health to inform them about the possible exposure.

Director of Education Search 

The Toronto District School Board is in the process of recruiting its next Director of Education. This process is being led by a Trustee Director Search Committee, in partnership with Mandrake, an executive search firm. The job is tentatively scheduled to be posted on Wednesday, October 7, 2020. 

For more information, including key dates, the recruitment process, how to apply and contact information, please visit the Director Search web page

Saturday International Languages Credit Program

19 international language credit courses are available to current high school students. All courses are subject to sufficient enrollment. Online registration closes on October 9. Visit the Saturday Credit Program web page for more information. Classes begin on Saturday, October 17. 

TDSB Connects App Now Available!

TDSB has launched a new online app to help high school students stay connected and organized.

Phase 1 is designed with secondary students in mind, helping them stay organized with schoolwork, see their daily school calendar and stay in touch with their school community. By logging in with their TDSB school ID, their timetable is automatically populated allowing them to easily add notes, goals and details to each course.

Schools can also share announcements, updates, local calendars and more to help students stay connected and informed

Subsequent phases include features such as the student safety line, notifications and opportunities to share your voice, and a version for elementary students and families.
The TDSB Connects App supports our commitment to be more digitally friendly, reduce paper and find new and engaging ways to connect with students to support their success

Download the app now at the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.

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Zoom Meeting: Returning to School Conversation Circle

Donna Cardoza is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

This meeting Is about Connecting, honoring your voices and  learning how to better serve you, the WHPS community. At this meeting you will have an opportunity to tell us what you are thinking, feeling and what you need in these Covid-19 times.


Topic: Returning to School Conversation Circle

Time: Oct 14, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting:


Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Start of Year Forms

Hello Parents/ Guardians,

Please note that effective Monday, September 28, 2020 - Wednesday, September 30, 2020, forms will be emailed to all parents/guardians with an email on file in Trillium between.

The Start of Year Forms will be completed for all students (both in-person and virtual). These forms are associated with the student and therefore will move with the student, regardless of the learning model chosen.

The Start of Year Forms package does not replace the Student Verification form that is usually sent home by schools (in paper format) in mid-September which is used to verify student demographic and parent contact information will be sent home with your child.  Students in the Virtual school will receive their Student Verification form online.

The forms/procedures that will be provided in digital format are: 

  • PR088 - Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources 
  • PR511H - Walking Excursion - Immediate Community 
  • PR511E - Medical Information for Excursions 
  • PR511K - Physical Education Information and Intramural Information/Permission
  • PR519A - Severe Weather Conditions: Permission to Leave School 
  • PR529B - Student Media Consent Release Form 
  • PR563 - Anaphylaxis
  • PR571 - Code of On-line Conduct 
  • PR585 - Board Code of Conduct 
  • PR607 - Diabetes Management 
  • PR714 - Asthma Management 
  • TDSB Digital Learning Tool Consent Form (now mandatory for all grades)

An email will be automatically sent to the parent/guardian who is the primary or secondary contact (Priority 1 or 2) with an email in Trillium. The email will include a link to complete these forms for each of your children. The sender will be “TDSB Online Form (noreply@tdsb.on.ca)” and the subject line will contain the School Name, Student Name, Date and name of the form (eg. TDSB School - John Doe - Sept 25: Start of Year Form 2020/2021).

We are asking if these forms can be completed as soon as possible, so that we have all student paperwork in order before Tuesday, October 13th, 2020.


D. Forde 

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Protocols in Place for Responding to Covid-19 symptoms

 Dear Parent/Guardian;

Please find below an update to the Protocols dealing with the response to Covid-19 symptoms.

D. Forde


Case Management in Schools

Self-Assessment Employees, students and parents are expected to be familiar with and recognize the signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Before coming to work or school each day, they are required to perform a self-assessment prior to entering any TDSB location and remain home if they have any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 or a close contact of a positive COVID-19 case or have travelled internationally. The Service Now Health Screening App is now available online at https://tdsb.service-now.com/tswp for staff and students to complete the verification of their self-assessment. 

It is recommended that employees, students, parents and visitors self-isolate and stay home and seek testing if they are demonstrating any symptoms of COVID-19 or if they do not pass the self-health assessment for any other reason. These individuals are not permitted to enter the school and cannot return until they have met the requirements for entry.

Employee or Student Showing Symptoms of COVID-19  


If an Employee/Student shows symptoms of COVID-19 or they are a close contact of someone with COVID-19:

* Employee/Student is to stay home and cannot return until they are symptom-free for 24 hours. 

* If they have symptoms, they should be encouraged to go for testing 

* They should be encouraged to go for testing or speak to their healthcare provider

* They should self-isolate for 14 days from the start of symptoms unless:  

o they have been tested and have a negative result (see process below) or, 

o received an alternate diagnosis from a healthcare provider  

* If symptoms appear at school, they must wait in the Wellness Room until picked up or arrangements have been made with the direction to self- isolate and seek testing for COVID-19. Call 9-1-1 for severe illness. 

o Anyone providing care or supervision of ill employee or student must maintain a distance of at least two meters and use appropriate PPE from the kit. 

o The ill individual will be required to wear appropriate PPE while in Wellness Room where possible.  

If test results are negative or they have received an alternative diagnosis from a healthcare provider, 

* And the individual has not had a high risk exposure to COVID-19, person may return to school 24 hours after symptom free.   

* But if they are a close contact of someone who tested positive for COVID-19, they must remain in self-isolation for 14 days and monitor for symptoms. 

If Employee/Student test results are positive, follow protocol “Employee or Student Tests Positive for COVID19.” 

 If an employee or student has a household family member (close contact) that is waiting for COVID-19 test results, all household contacts should self-monitor but can continue to attend work/school if not symptomatic. 

If you are a close contact of a positive case: 

* You must self-isolate for 14 days from your last contact with the positive case and monitor for symptoms 

* Speak to your healthcare provider and go for testing 

* Remain in isolation for 14 days regardless if test results come back negative for COVID-19

Saturday, 12 September 2020

Monday, 7 September 2020

School Advisory Council Meeting

Darryl Forde is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: WHPS School Advisory Council Meeting
Time: Sep 8, 2020 05:55 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 972 4951 0624
Passcode: z8QT5q

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Monday, 22 June 2020

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Sunday, 31 May 2020

Welcome to Kindergarten Google Meet - Update

To attend this Welcome to Kindergarten meet on June 4 at 1:00pm, please click on the link below:


Friday, 22 May 2020

Friday, 15 May 2020

CERB Multilingual

For those who were interested, information regarding the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit is offered in many different languages. On this webpage, you can choose among various language options. Below are links:


COVID-19: financial assistance for newcomers, temporary residents and refugees - Canada.ca https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/coronavirus-covid19/financial-assistance.html

COVID-19 financial support that may be available to newcomers, temporary residents and refugees (multiple languages)

Dine and Dash Program

Access Point On the Danforth (APOD) program : Dash and Dine food program

Address : APOD 3079 Danforth Ave.

Days and  times :  Tuesday - 1:00 to 2:00 and Friday - 1:00 to 2:00

We serve about 100  box meals, people take 1 to 3 meals if they have a family.
Contact : Lalisee - Tel: 416-699-7920 Ext.420 ;lgudeta@accessalliance.ca

Friday, 8 May 2020

Trustee Update

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Supporting the range of emotions students of all age may be experiencing during this uncertain time is critical. Staff has created some key resources to help engage with and support our students. Healthy relationships are a vital component of health and well-being. There is compelling evidence that strong relationships contribute to a long, healthy, and happy life.

The Student Resources (https://www.tdsb.on.ca/Remote-Learning/Resources-During-Covid-19) website provides mental health and well-being resources, including relationships exercises for students. Don’t forget to find space for yourself, though too. Some of us are connected to others 24/7 right now. This close proximity can strengthen and stress relationships. Be gentle and kind to yourself and those around you.

Director’s Updates to Parents/Guardians: COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus)
The Toronto District School Board is committed to keeping all parents/guardians updated on the impact of COVID-19 on schools and any developments with regard to remote learning. Below are the recent updates from Director of Education John Malloy:

  *   Update on Remote Learning (https://www.tdsb.on.ca/News/Article-Details/ArtMID/474/ArticleID/1455/Remote-Learning-Update---Message-from-the-Director-of-Education )(May 1, 2020)
  *   Extension of School Closures Announced (https://www.tdsb.on.ca/News/Article-Details/ArtMID/474/ArticleID/1451/Update-Extension-of-School-Closures-Announced)(April 26, 2020)

For on-going updates, more information and resources, please visit tdsb.on.ca/coronavirus<https://t.e2ma.net/click/0nn1fd/0v9fckb/ggky6o> and tdsb.on.ca/remote-learning<https://t.e2ma.net/click/0nn1fd/0v9fckb/w8ky6o>.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Remote Learning

My family and work situation do not allow for me to provide designated support or time to help my child learn. What should I do?
We recognize that every family is in a different situation and has different time and ability to support their child. Educators will be considering all these scenarios and will strive to be thoughtful in how and when learning is delivered. Please work with your child’s teacher to help them understand what’s feasible, right now, in your home.

Will there be set hours for when my child has to participate in learning?
We recognize that timed learning may be difficult for a lot of families. One option for educators is to record live instruction and have it available during other times or have resources available any time. We hope students will be able to build connections with their teacher and classmates through some classroom-style online learning though, but we realize that may not be possible for everyone.

I requested a device and now I no longer need it. What should I do?
If you have not yet received your device and it is pending delivery, the only option is to refuse the delivery and it will be returned to the TDSB. If you have already accepted your device but no longer need it, we are not able to pick it up due to physical distancing requirements and ask that you keep it and return it to your school when schools reopen

I received a TDSB Chromebook but am having problems. Who can I contact?
To receive assistance with questions about logging in, account issues or connecting to wi-fi, please email studentdevicesupport@tdsb.on.ca please be sure to include your child’s name and school along with your name. Learn more here (https://www.tdsb.on.ca/Remote-Learning/Student-Device-Support). Questions about digital learning tools such as Google Classroom, Brightspace etc. along with questions about school work should be directed to your child’s teacher.

I only have one device at home and multiple children. How do I support their learning?
Setting an at-home schedule for each child may be helpful and helping their teachers understand the limitations will help ensure that non-digital options are also available to support learning

My child is in French Immersion. What supports are there for parents to help continue learning?
All French as a Second Language programs (FSL) are designed for families who do not speak French at home. Families may support their children in French Immersion/Extended French in much the same way they would in the English program. It is not necessary that families speak French for a child to continue learning at home. A family may create an account on IDELLO https://www.idello.org/en by selecting “Parent” or students can create an account using their TDSB email account. This would allow them to explore the resources on their own (parent or student). For additional French resources, families may explore the TDSB Virtual Library www.tdsb.on.ca/library.

Are students being assessed on this learning?
For elementary students, teachers will use approaches to gather evidence of student learning and will provide meaningful feedback to students on their progress. Evidence of significant improvement in learning, during the closure period, may be taken into consideration by the teacher when assigning a final grade in a subject area. Otherwise, students, in Grades 1 to 8, will be assigned the grades earned based on their learning of the expectations in the curriculum up until schools closed on March 13, 2020. All students, Kindergarten to Grade 8, will receive a June report card. Mid-term marks will be entered only for Grade 12 students by April 23, 2020, to meet the deadline to report grades to the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC<https://t.e2ma.net/click/0nn1fd/0v9fckb/c1ly6o>) and the Ontario College Application Service (OCAS<https://t.e2ma.net/click/0nn1fd/0v9fckb/stmy6o>). Marks will reflect work done up until March 13, 2020. However, formative assessments done post April 6 can be used to improve a student’s mark should students demonstrate further achievement of expectations.
For students in secondary school, teachers will assign learning tasks, projects and culminating activities. Teachers will communicate results and feedback to students about these marked assignments and results will inform students’ final course marks. Only demonstrated improvements in learning will be taken into consideration when assigning a final mark. Final marks will be entered in June, and will be based on work done until March 13, 2020, as well as after April 6, 2020. Summative and culminating tasks can be used for these final marks. All subjects a student is taking will be reported on in a June report card.

Will students be at risk of not graduating?
The Government of Ontario has made very clear that no student will have their graduation compromised by COVID-19 and the Ministry of Education continues to work with the Ministry of Colleges and Universities to ensure that there will be no barriers to accessing post-secondary education.