Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Start of Year Forms

Hello Parents/ Guardians,

Please note that effective Monday, September 28, 2020 - Wednesday, September 30, 2020, forms will be emailed to all parents/guardians with an email on file in Trillium between.

The Start of Year Forms will be completed for all students (both in-person and virtual). These forms are associated with the student and therefore will move with the student, regardless of the learning model chosen.

The Start of Year Forms package does not replace the Student Verification form that is usually sent home by schools (in paper format) in mid-September which is used to verify student demographic and parent contact information will be sent home with your child.  Students in the Virtual school will receive their Student Verification form online.

The forms/procedures that will be provided in digital format are: 

  • PR088 - Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources 
  • PR511H - Walking Excursion - Immediate Community 
  • PR511E - Medical Information for Excursions 
  • PR511K - Physical Education Information and Intramural Information/Permission
  • PR519A - Severe Weather Conditions: Permission to Leave School 
  • PR529B - Student Media Consent Release Form 
  • PR563 - Anaphylaxis
  • PR571 - Code of On-line Conduct 
  • PR585 - Board Code of Conduct 
  • PR607 - Diabetes Management 
  • PR714 - Asthma Management 
  • TDSB Digital Learning Tool Consent Form (now mandatory for all grades)

An email will be automatically sent to the parent/guardian who is the primary or secondary contact (Priority 1 or 2) with an email in Trillium. The email will include a link to complete these forms for each of your children. The sender will be “TDSB Online Form (” and the subject line will contain the School Name, Student Name, Date and name of the form (eg. TDSB School - John Doe - Sept 25: Start of Year Form 2020/2021).

We are asking if these forms can be completed as soon as possible, so that we have all student paperwork in order before Tuesday, October 13th, 2020.


D. Forde 

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Protocols in Place for Responding to Covid-19 symptoms

 Dear Parent/Guardian;

Please find below an update to the Protocols dealing with the response to Covid-19 symptoms.

D. Forde


Case Management in Schools

Self-Assessment Employees, students and parents are expected to be familiar with and recognize the signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Before coming to work or school each day, they are required to perform a self-assessment prior to entering any TDSB location and remain home if they have any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 or a close contact of a positive COVID-19 case or have travelled internationally. The Service Now Health Screening App is now available online at for staff and students to complete the verification of their self-assessment. 

It is recommended that employees, students, parents and visitors self-isolate and stay home and seek testing if they are demonstrating any symptoms of COVID-19 or if they do not pass the self-health assessment for any other reason. These individuals are not permitted to enter the school and cannot return until they have met the requirements for entry.

Employee or Student Showing Symptoms of COVID-19  


If an Employee/Student shows symptoms of COVID-19 or they are a close contact of someone with COVID-19:

* Employee/Student is to stay home and cannot return until they are symptom-free for 24 hours. 

* If they have symptoms, they should be encouraged to go for testing 

* They should be encouraged to go for testing or speak to their healthcare provider

* They should self-isolate for 14 days from the start of symptoms unless:  

o they have been tested and have a negative result (see process below) or, 

o received an alternate diagnosis from a healthcare provider  

* If symptoms appear at school, they must wait in the Wellness Room until picked up or arrangements have been made with the direction to self- isolate and seek testing for COVID-19. Call 9-1-1 for severe illness. 

o Anyone providing care or supervision of ill employee or student must maintain a distance of at least two meters and use appropriate PPE from the kit. 

o The ill individual will be required to wear appropriate PPE while in Wellness Room where possible.  

If test results are negative or they have received an alternative diagnosis from a healthcare provider, 

* And the individual has not had a high risk exposure to COVID-19, person may return to school 24 hours after symptom free.   

* But if they are a close contact of someone who tested positive for COVID-19, they must remain in self-isolation for 14 days and monitor for symptoms. 

If Employee/Student test results are positive, follow protocol “Employee or Student Tests Positive for COVID19.” 

 If an employee or student has a household family member (close contact) that is waiting for COVID-19 test results, all household contacts should self-monitor but can continue to attend work/school if not symptomatic. 

If you are a close contact of a positive case: 

* You must self-isolate for 14 days from your last contact with the positive case and monitor for symptoms 

* Speak to your healthcare provider and go for testing 

* Remain in isolation for 14 days regardless if test results come back negative for COVID-19

Saturday, 12 September 2020

Monday, 7 September 2020

School Advisory Council Meeting

Darryl Forde is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: WHPS School Advisory Council Meeting
Time: Sep 8, 2020 05:55 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 972 4951 0624
Passcode: z8QT5q

Tuesday, 1 September 2020